The Ultimate Call for Help
The Sound&Safe app was developed for a country in distress by people that want to make a difference. We all feel vulnerable from time to time, whether you’re subjected to gender based violence, are in an area prone to break-ins or simply want a panic alert system that is ALWAYS with you Sound&Safe is the tool you’ve been hoping for.
And we believe that it’s so important that we are giving it to everyone FOR FREE, FOREVER!

- FREE Panic Alert sent to loved one or neighbor
- FREE Panic Alert sent to a central responder (gated community security guard / retirement village nurses station / block watch etc.)
- FREE Voice Activated panic alert
- Free GPS tagging sent to designated contact when panic is activated
- Free “Come Fetch Me” alert for parents on the go
- Free transmittion log of all alerts and/or requests sent
- Connect to your local CPF / Armed Response or various associations
- CPF personnel have their own Dashboard to view alerts and respond
- CPF admins can send broadcast messages / warnings / updates to members

Domestic Violence
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Pushed up against a wall, can’t get near your phone… Shout out your presaved call for help and help is on the way.

Home Invasion
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If your hands are in the air all you need to do is call out your presaved panic alert phrase and help will be on the way.

Please Find Me
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Dropped off at a large concert and not sure how to tell your lift where you are…send a “come get me” and help is on the way.

Small Craft
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If you are on any water craft within cellular range from the shore your panic will also be delivered to the NSRI and they will discpatch help.

Child Collection
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Does your child do extracurricular activites that may need random collection points? One swipe and you’re informed.

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If you have “fallen and can’t get up” or can’t reach your phone simply shout your presaved voice activation alert and an alarm will be sent.
Set a “Panic Contact” (friends or family) that will receive a call for help with a GPS Pin Drop to your current location.
Set a “Panic Contact” that will alert their gated comminuty security guard, a matron at a retirement village etc and they will receive a call for help with a GPS Pin Drop and unit number or address (supplied by the user during registration).
Send a panic by simply:
• Swiping
• Shaking
• Voice activation

The FREE contacts get help FAST
All of the above services are 100% free to use! We really are serious about changing the way we secure ourselves and help our loved ones. These free panic contacts will get you the help you need as quickly as possible…and you get to choose who gets the alerts.
We have also made life a little easier by adding a “Please Come Fetch Me” option that does not send a panic but simply a pin drop and a request for collection…this will only be sent to the user’s main contact and NOT to your panic alerts. A very handy tool for moms on the go with kids that are exploring the world.

Your beacon has been sent and will be responded to

But then we’re going further!
We are adding the ability for your Sound & Safe app to connect to your local CPF (Community Policing Forum) – the volunteers that commit their lives to ensuring the safety of their community.
A small monthly subscription will allow your “Panic Alerts” to be sent through to your CPF group with the user information (photo of yourself so they can always identify you, even if in a crowd), address and contact details, medical information etc.
You also have the ability to send non-panic messages to your CPF. For example: A blue van has been parked outside an empty lot for several hours it feels suspicious please be aware.

Only R38.99 per month

Only 68.99 per month

Only R98.99 per month
Control Room Dashboard
The Control Room Dashboard is an added benifit to be used by your Community Policing Forum and local security services (for registered responders only)