The Ultimate Call for Help
The Sound&Safe app was developed for a country in distress by people that want to make a difference. We all feel vulnerable from time to time, whether you’re subjected to gender based violence, are in an area prone to break-ins or simply want a panic alert system that is ALWAYS with you Sound&Safe is the tool you’ve been hoping for.
And we believe that it’s so important that we are giving it to everyone FOR FREE, FOREVER!

- FREE Panic Alert sent to loved one or neighbor
- FREE Voice Activated panic alert
- Free GPS tagging sent to designated contact when panic is activated
- Free “Come Fetch Me” alert for parents on the go
- Free transmittion log of all alerts and/or requests sent
- Connect to your local CPF / Armed Response or various associations
- CPF personnel have their own Dashboard to view alerts and respond
- CPF admins can send broadcast messages / warnings / updates to members
Our multi-layerd software allows information and functionality to be selectively delivered to the CPF structure.
For example, the ADMIN can create unlimited sectors for their designated area. They also get a comprehensive view of events and responses. They can add chairmen to each sector and responders beneath that. They also get to decide which responders are able to close a response call.
Each sector chairman is able to select and/or create responders and allow or deny each the ability to close response calls.
The responders cannot make changes to the structure or setup of the CPF structure within the app.
All CPF members are given access to a control panel and alert stack from which they can operate.
All users are able to:
• Select ON / OFF duty (Panic Alerts are only pushed to ON DUTY members)
• See the duty roster
• Send internal messaging (your CPF structure only – viewable only by your chosen responders)
• View panic alerts
• Respond to panic alerts (which informs other members of your engagement)
• Close panic alerts (if allowed by ADMIN or chairmen)
• Create a panic alert or call for help of their own (going to chosen contact AND their CPF group)
We also Offer our responders a fully comprehensive dashboard should the require access for a control room.
This dashboard offers all the same funtionality as the CPF activated app but is simply run via a web page.
The Control Room Dashboard allows a further level of security and calls can be dispatched via radio. It is simply an added benifit as most CPF members would be using the response app and have immediate access to your call for help.
All CPF members using the Sound & Safe app are AUTOMATICALLY added to our subscribed member list for the duration of their tenure and as such, are awarded the same access to fast, effective response as our subscribed members.
Control Room Dashboard
This Dashboard is only available to registered responders. Ask your local CPF Administrator for login details