The Ultimate Call for Help

The Sound&Safe app was developed for a country in distress by people that want to make a difference.  We all feel vulnerable from time to time, whether you’re subjected to gender based violence, are in an area prone to break-ins or simply want a panic alert system that is ALWAYS with you Sound&Safe is the tool you’ve been hoping for.

And we believe that it’s so important that we are giving it to everyone FOR FREE, FOREVER!

These instructional images and text will help you navigate the basic installation of the Sound & Safe App.

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Fill in your primary details accurately and select the tick box to accept the Sound & Safe app Terms & Conditions. They can be viewed on the website by clicking the “here” link.

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This displays a brief informational about the services that the app needs to acces on your phone in order to work correctly. Please accept if you want full funtionality.

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This is asking permission to access your decive’s locatation funtion in order to send to responders when you send a panic alert. The location is only sent when you use the panic function and IS NOT accessed at ANY OTHER TIME. Your privacy is fully secured.

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Access to your SMS funtionality is crucial as it is how panic alerts are sent to your loved ones. Please allow.

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This will take you to the panic contact loading dock. If you chose to cancel you can add a panic contact later under the “settings” menu option.

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This is where you add the contact details of the person that will respond the fastest should you be in trouble. It could be your mom or your dad, your husband or wife. Please make sure that the details loaded are correct. An SMS will be sent to them should you activate a panic alert or request a “come fetch me” with your pin drop local information.

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This will take you to the panic cancel pin loading dock. If you chose to cancel you can add a panic cancel pin later under the “settings” menu option.

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Please set a cancel panic pin AND a duress pin.

The cancel panic pin will allow you to cancel a panic alert that either activated in error or has been resolved. It will send an SMS to your panic contact letting them know that they need not be concerned and to any other responder you may be subscribed to.

The duress pin is there should you be forced to enter a cancel pin by an assailant. It will look like the app has sent a cancel message but in fact escalates the panic messages to an urgent message sent to all your responders.

Please also enable the option – it’s there to help aid in your safety.

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Once the cancel pin has been set we can now set the voice activated response call. This is ANY term or sentence you decide – it could be “help” or “please don’t hurt me” or even “get out now” – whatever you decide. Simply press the “capture new phrase” button and record your emergency call for help. Once done the menu will tell you that the phrase has been captured and will display your sentence. If it does not work the first time please try to find a quieter place to record your call for help.



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If you hadn’t already set your primary response contact (free) you can do so now.

You can also set the response number for the security guard at your complex gate, the matron or response room of your retirement village etc. This number will receive a listing of your registered address as well as your current location via pin drop.

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Please add you physical address, both for your personal responders (even though a pin drop will be sent for you current location) as it will be used for your “Central Response” or security gate officer.



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Any contacts set can be altered and edited at any stage.

Congratulations. You’re not alone.



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This will take you to a dock that allows you to subscribe to extra, paid services and will be completley explained a little further down. For the FREE version of the app please select cancel at this stage. Should you require additional responders you can subscribe to services under the “settings” menu option at any stage.

For this unstructional the subcriptions tutorial will be addressed after the free version tutorial is completed.

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GO TO SETTINGSthis will allow you to set up the rest of your personal details needed for an effective response to a panic alert.


Home will take you to the main screen.

CPF Registration is only to be used if you are registering your own, registered CPF or response group.

App Log shows you a list of panic alerts should you need th reference.

Messages is only available to subscribed users and will allow communication between yourself and your response groups.

Settings is where you set up your personal information, set responder details and add subscriptions etc.

Our website takes you to the Sound & Safe website.

Share the app allows you to tell your friends and family sabout this app so that they can also protect themselves easily.

Exit the app closes the app.

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A current picture of yourself is really important for responders to find you in a public place – best to use an unfiltered picture.

This is a crucially important section of the app. The more info the responders have about you (only ever available to them when you send a panic alert) the better they can help. Please give as much accurate info as you can – this could save your life.

Also note that the address listed is the address that your “closed group responder” or gate security will be responding to.

Please ensure that it is accutate.



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The ONLY time we ever need to access your pictures or camera is to upload a picture of youself. Please allow it so we can be as effective as possible when responding to your panic alert.



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Once you have succesfully uploaded your picture please continue to add all other information. This is neccessary for responders to deal with you panic alert accurately.



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When entering your date of birth you can “click” or “press” on the year at the top, left hand side of the panel to access the year function. Once selected please select the month and day.



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Please add your physical address (even though a pin drop will be sent with your current location to your personal responders) as it will be used for your “Central Response” or security gate officer.

This means that when you are at home (your listed address) you do not need to have your location activated on your phone if it is a “Central Response” that is required.



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Once you’re finished, simply save the information you’ve entered and you’re done – you’re ready to send panic alerts and have help on hand.

Congratulations. You’re not alone.



That’s it, you’re all set to be able to send panic alerts to your loved ones or a central response point like a security guard or single operations station.

Below shows you how to activate your panic alerts and  send a “come fetch me”.

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There are THREE main ways to initiate a panic alert:

  1. Slide the “Slide for Panic” all the way to the right of the slide.
  2. Shake your cell phone from side to side vigerously.
  3. Voice activated command to initiate a panic alert. Ensure that the VOICE ACTIVATION toggle is ON (blue) and call out your presaved voice activation alert. The quality of your phone’s microphone and the distance of the phone from you will effect this funtion. Please also note that the phone will be set to silent while this option is activated in order to attain the best possible funtionality. Simply turn it off when returning to safer conditions.

In all cases the Sound & Safe app must open or running in the background in order to comply.

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The relevant panic details are used to supply further information regarding your panic alert. Should you chose to, or not be able to select a specific option a general panic alert will be sent by default. It is, therefore not mandatory to select an option. However, should a specialised response (the NSRI or National Sea Rescue Institute) be required it would be advised to select the relevant response needed.

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If you choose to cancel your panic alert simply press the yellow “cancel panic” button and enter your correct pin number. This will send the cancelled alert to all listed responders.

However, should you feel forced to enter a cancellation pin simply enter your “duress” pin and the app will seem to cancel the alert BUT WILL NOT. The app will send a further panic alert informing all listed responders that you are under duress and that will assist them to respond accordingly.

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This “panic cancelled” pop-up will only appear if you have entered the correct cancellation pin. The app will send a cancel panic alert to all listed responders.

Subscription Services

Athough the Sound & Safe app offers free emergency contacts there are more emergency responders available to you once you subcribe to additional services.


Once you have subscribed your full user bio and GPS location is sent to responders when a panic alert is triggered (as well as to your free panic contacts).

This allows for immediate deployment of registered and competent response officers to assist you in your time of need.

Three subcription levels are currently available to suit your needs:

Only R38.99 per month

Only 68.99 per month

Only R98.99 per month

Your beacon has been sent and will be responded to

Control Room Dashboard

This Dashboard is only available to registered responders. Ask your local CPF Administrator for login details